Thursday, December 29, 2011

Challenge Day 4

I wish I didn't curse so much. I have a potty mouth and I know it. I don't really mean too, it is just a part of my daily language. I think it is because I grew up in a family of non-cussers (or so I thought), that were really just not wanting me to hear it. I got in so much trouble the first time my parents heard me say shit. It was so ridiculous. After that day, I learned I could cuss all the time as long as they never heard it. As an adult, I could care less (Really, I could give a rats ass but hey I'm trying! haha).

Maybe one day I will change my ways, but I highly doubt it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Challenge Day 3

At the moment this is my favorite cast. I really enjoy getting lost watching Once Upon A Time on ABC. This show brings the more realistic side of those beloved fairy tales to light. It also links them all together in an interesting way. I would imagine beyond the "pictures" their normal everyday lives were probably a lot like this show portrays.

Everything is not as it seems in a photograph.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Challenge Day 2

This is a friend who I have known since I was in 7th grade.

It was my first year of PUBLIC school and I decided to join band. Well, as fate would have it, some of the best friends I have been blessed to have in my life I met in band. We were all awkward adolescents trying to figure out life and how to fit in.

Brandy and I just clicked. She made me laugh and would act silly with me. She would rock out to Spice Girls while dressed up to boot. Oh yeah, this is a  lifetime long type of friendship. 

We have been there by each others sides since we were those awkward teens. We became adults and married each other off, we have stood there for each other at the birth of our children. We have shared in the grief of lost friends and family members. We know each other well.

You see Brandy, or as I call her- Bean, and I were born only 20 short days apart. We have the same birth month. haha. We have always just understood each other. Even if we don't talk for a while its ok. We know that if the call is made it will be answered. We don't have to worry about this friendship, it has survived some crazy storms and some amazing joys.

So to one of the most beautiful women I know, Thank you for being my sister. I love you. :o)

Monday, December 26, 2011

A New Challenge

I have been trying to decide on something that I can do in order to remember who I am. As a mother, I sometimes get lost in everything that is happening with my children. This is normal, but I tend to begin to miss ME.

I have decided to start a 31 day challenge. I will post a picture and possibly a caption explaining each picture every day for 31 days. Wish me luck! The fun begins now!

Day 1
This is one a my favorite pictures of me.

Ten Facts about Heather
1. I'm a devoted wife
2. I love my children with every fiber of my being
3. I am currently working on my Bachelor's Degree in Management and Supervision
4. I have one diverse and amazing family
5. I am a little obsessed with life after death, I believe in things most don't because of personal experiences
6. I worry way too much
7. I love to travel, I hope to be able to travel the world one day
8. Being wrapped up in my husband's arms makes me feel completely safe and at peace
9. I absolutely love talking with my Grandfather about the old days
10. I get weak and I cry. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a single tear