Friday, April 8, 2011

Today is the day!

Today I decided to start a blog.  This in itself is a new adventure for me.  I wanted a place to share my experiences. 
     Hopefully I will get good at this blogging thing.  Here we go!

Today was a good day.  I woke up and went to the college to pay for my summer classes.  Woohoo!  I just paid for my final classes to receive my AA degree!   I am so excited that I will have this soon.  I remember the day I started college, I felt like I was working hard and seeing nothing in return.  Well, I am about to get the first physical reward for all of my hard work.  I could not be any more excited or proud right now.  I have applied for graduation also.  EEK!  haha  In just about the same time it takes to finish High School I will become a Dr!  I hope I can make my husband, my children, and my family very proud. 

So blog post one is now officially in the books! 


  1. You are a Superwoman!! Being a stay at home mom and doing school is hard. It will soon pay off. Awesome job Heather!!

  2. Thank you Diana! It is very hard but it is for them that I keep pushing. One day school will be a distant memory and my career will be in front of me. That is exciting!
